Surya Namaskar is a profound practice that embodies the essence of yoga—union of body, mind, and soul. It is a dynamic ...
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a dynamic sequence of yoga poses that offers numerous physical and mental benefits.
There are 12 mantras that accompany the surya namaskar postures, which praise the different qualities of the Sun God or Surya. When surya namaskar is performed with the chant of mantras ...
Sun salutations, or Surya namaskar, is a core practice in yoga that involves a flowing sequence of 12 physical postures, performed one after the other in a smooth, continuous manner. The benefits ...
Malaika Arora flawlessly moves through all 12 poses of surya namaskar When it comes to fitness, Malaika Arora is an absolute icon. Be it yoga, gym, or dance, she does it all to set major fitness ...
As he showed various physical postures of Surya Namaskar, the actor inhaled and exhaled through each step. Take a look: The 12 postures of Surya Namaskar are Pranamasana, Hastauttanasana ...