Placing an external ventricular drain (EVD) at bedside using augmented reality (AR) guidance is more precise than freehand ...
However, HoloLens 2 headsets will continue to receive ... This was before decent passthrough became the norm in the AR/VR ...
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Unlike fully immersive virtual reality systems such as the Oculus Rift or HTC VIVE, AR headgear allows users ... The company has developed a HoloLens app that lets architects create 3D holograms ...
HoloLens found some traction in industrial training ... immersion for use cases like design and development, but current AR/VR limitations make mainstream adoption difficult,” Shah pointed ...
Commercial offerings, from Google’s Glass to the Microsoft HoloLens and Magic Leap 2 are ... We’ve seen interest in hackable AR and VR hardware for years, but it’s always been frustratingly ...
[PyottDesign] recently wrapped up a personal project to create himself a custom AR/VR headset that could function as an AR (augmented reality) platform, and make it easier to develop new ...
Club is a community fostering the education and development of VR/AR related technologies and applications. The community will introduce members to new technology platforms, such as Oculus Rift, HTC ...
These stories look at how virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are being used in state and local government to train employees like firefighters, EMTs and social workers. Includes ...
I’ve reviewed more than a thousand different consumer electronics products including headphones, speakers, TVs, and every major game system and VR headset of the last decade. I’m an ISF ...