“Participating in my school’s History Bee and Bowl Club and taking the American education system’s Advanced Placement World ...
The ancient capital of Samarra dating from 836-892 provides outstanding evidence of the Abbasid Caliphate which was the major Islamic empire of the period, extending from Tunisia to Central Asia. It ...
Inside the Abbasid palace of Baghdad, built in around 12th century. The caliphates (Islamic states) were governed by a caliph. They were the successors to Muhammad. The first major caliphate was ...
More than a millennium ago merchant-informants and officials at the service of the Abbasid caliph, from Baghdad or Basra, put to paper eyewitness accounts of North Europeans (Vikings), Indians ...
When he fled from his mayors of the palace and became a shadow in Egypt, that pretension was maintained and was assumed by the Turkish Sultan Selim, when in 1517 he took the Caliphate from the hands ...
“The Abbasid shift of the centre of the Caliphate from Syria to Iraq led to a rapid economic decline and drop in population, especially in the cities,” Khouri stressed, adding that the settlement ...