Spinal fusion. This is the most common surgery for chronic nonspecific back ... with an operating microscope through a smaller incision than open discectomy and has become the standard surgical ...
They can perform the surgery in a couple of ways: An open diskectomy is done with a cut in your back or neck. Microdiscectomy is done through a much smaller cut. Your surgeon inserts a thin tube ...
Awake spine surgery is Alok Sharan's area of expertise, and as patient interest has grown so has the protocols he uses before, during and after cases.
Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr NM van der Berg from Life Empangeni Private Hospital explores the topic of Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic (UBE) ...
Arthrex's technology allows surgeons to remove the herniated part of the disc through a single incision of less than one centimeter. Lumbar spine disc herniations were previously treated utilizing ...
Endoscopic spine surgery uses a specialised instrument called an endoscope, a small tube with a camera and light. The surgeon ...
Endoscopic spine surgery is revolutionising spinal care with a minimally invasive option to conventional open surgery. With high-tech imaging and advanced instruments, surgeons are able to enter ...