Netflix has dropped the first trailer of the much-awaited Australian true crime series Apple Cider Vinegar. The show involves Belle Gibson, an Australian single mother who reached heights with her ...
The Australian wellness influencer claimed to cure cancer but built her fame on one giant lie. Get ready to dive into one of ...
Apple Cider Vinegar,” the story of health and wellness guru—and scammer—Belle Gibson debuts on Netflix on Feb. 6.
Netflix's Apple Cider Vinegar is described as a "true-ish story, based on a lie". The series is set at the birth of Instagram, following two young women who set out to cure their life-threatening ...
Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix explores the rise and fall of Belle Gibson, a wellness influencer who faked her cancer cure ...
Now, Gibson's story gets the Netflix true crime treatment in Apple Cider Vinegar, a limited series starring Kaitlyn Dever ( ...