What are the best WoW addons? Blizzard’s critically acclaimed MMORPG hides a lot of useful data it collects, and picking up a mod that offers a peek behind the curtain can be a literal game ...
World of Warcraft has been open for exploration for 20 years, building up a collection of thousands of items. Here's how to ...
User-made add-ons are a big part of WoW, enabling players to customize their UI and tailor their experience how they like. WoW Classic, in particular, benefits greatly from add-ons, adding quality ...
Tyler Colp is a games writer at Polygon specializing in criticism and reporting about extraordinary players and communities. There are so many add-ons in the first minute of Baltoboulbobbi’s ...
That’s the sound of 3,683 add-ons running simultaneously in World of Warcraft Classic. YouTuber Baltoboulbobbi brought the MMO to its knees with a bucket of custom tools and effects simply to ...