But it will actually be painful to look at because, unlike the full moon that is this gorgeous disk in the sky, Betelgeuse is ...
You can tell spring has officially begun in the Northern Hemisphere just by looking at the stars. Here's how to easily spot ...
One of the more interesting astronomy stories that came out at the tail end of 2019 was the bizarre behavior of the nearby star known as Betelgeuse. It sits somewhere between 520 and 650 light ...
The pair is visible in the predawn sky. This evening, let’s look for another bright red giant: Betelgeuse, the famous star that serves as one shoulder of Orion the Hunter. An hour after sunset ...
The gaps in these measurements happen when Betelgeuse appears in Earth's day sky, making it impossible to take precise brightness measurements. During this observation gap in 2020, NASA's STEREO ...
The first two weeks of March provide a great opportunity to sight four bright naked-eye planets in the early evening sky. Low toward the west blazes Venus, which serves as a convenient celestial ...
It should be quite a show as Betelgeuse blows up, a fate awaiting all super giant stars. The next star in the Winter Triangle is Sirius, which happens to be the brightest star in the night sky and ...
The part of the world where we live lies exactly halfway between Earth’s equator and the North Pole. Mid-latitude locations like Minnesota’s feature distinct seasons in which the ...
It should be quite a show as Betelgeuse blows up, a fate awaiting all super giant stars. The next star in the Winter Triangle is Sirius, which happens to be the brightest star in the night sky and ...