Making an effort to reduce colorectal cancer risk is important, and limiting your intake of red and processed meats is a way ...
“Colon cleansing is a trend with a lack of scientific ... and it’s designed to move matter. Pushing food and other particles through the gut, the MMC keeps you regular and helps prevent ...
While there’s likely no one food to blame, physicians say diets high in red meat and alcohol are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. The Australian researchers found high fiber ...
They said colibactin can cause abnormal growths called polyps to form in the colon, which could develop into tumors. The findings suggest that stripping carbs out of your diet could increase ...
A Canadian study warns that low-carb diets like keto may increase the risk of colon cancer by promoting toxic compounds linked to colorectal cancer. Mice studies show a low-carb diet combined with E.