Scout Rifles were one of the best weapon archetypes in the original Destiny. In Destiny 2, it's a different story. A myriad ...
Bungie provides Destiny 2 players with a Crucible update preview, confirming upcoming changes to a popular Episode Heresy ...
Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris was dominated by one weapon that scored four times more kills than Outbreak Perfected across the entire weekend.
Reducing the handling stat on Redrix’s Estoc. Walking back some of the buff that Lightweight Pulse Rifles received in Destiny 2 Update 8153. Note: These will still perform better than pre-buff.
Destiny 2’s endgame Trials of Osiris PvP activity continues to suffer from single weapon dominating the meta despite heavy nerfs.
Destiny 2’s PvP meta in Episode Heresy consists predominantly of Void Hunters and Lightweight pulse rifles. The two dominate the Crucible like nothing we’ve seen in recent times, and Bungie is taking ...
The next Destiny 2 update is imminent, and Bungie has announced an exclusive new weapon, big nerfs, some new modes, and more.
Yesterday, we finally had a meaty TWAB from the Destiny 2 team ... it was to clarify what exactly Zen Moment is doing on my pulse rifles, I figured it might be useful to separate out what actual ...
While the main attraction of Destiny 2’s Dawning event is supposed to be ... Season of the Witch brought us the best-in-slot Eremite fusion rifle. Now Season of the Wish has brought us best ...
The first Act of Destiny 2’s latest Episode, Heresy, was packed with content. From the new roguelite activity to a new dungeon, Exotic mission, and Trials of Osiris revamp. While it was a lot to go ...
Destiny is a game mainly known for its great PvE gunplay and Raids, but there is an equally large player base that swears by Destiny's PvP offerings. Trials of Osiris put Destiny on the competitive ...