MPCA found lead emissions at Federal Cartridge Co. above the state standard of 0.15 micrograms per cubic meter.
AT&T agreed to remove 8 miles of lead-covered cables from Lake Tahoe, following a protracted legal battle with an ...
The Environmental Protection Agency’s internal watchdog has found that the agency retaliated against three staffers for ...
Residents want more soil testing to prevent future harm from contamination that’s plagued their neighborhood for decades.
Mass teleworking by federal bureaucrats has left government buildings at just 12-25 percent occupancy which is causing the ...
News followed the water department as they tested pipes and have detailed the process and how you can benefit.
Bracing for future years of insufficient resources, EPA's inspector general says he has a strategy for maintaining integrity.
“All Americans deserve access to clean, safe drinking water, including protection from lead contamination. EPA is working ...
EPA announced $7.5 billion in available loan funding through the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA).
If you live in an old home, there's a very good chance it's made of lead. One of the most common sources of lead in drinking ...
The EPA’s director of enforcement and compliance for the region told ADM the issue could be grounds for an “enforcement action, including administrative and civil judicial penalties,” and that ADM’s ...
A Norfolk company has agreed to pay a civil penalty to resolve allegations that it violated the federal Clean Air Act’s ...