More double canoes were built, and now several teams are attempting to be the first to reach Easter Island, using ancient navigational techniques. No one has navigated a raft or voyaging canoe ...
When archaeologists dig up nuts from the extinct Easter Island palm, the nuts are often marred by tiny grooves, made by the sharp teeth of Polynesian rats. The rats arrived in the same canoes as ...
Voyaging canoes moved southward, northward and southeast to ultimately inhabit Easter Island, Hawaii, and New Zealand, all in the short period of about 400 years. When Europeans first explored the ...
Early crew members of the voyaging canoe Hokulea have gathered in Hawai'i to celebrate the vessel's 50th birthday ...
What actually the Easter Island sculpture does ... On the back of the statue's head are two stylised canoe paddles, each with what looks like a miniature version of our statue's face at the ...
In Rapa Nui, Chile — also known as Easter Island — islanders have embarked on long-distance canoe voyages. The University of Guam has a navigation program. Similar trends have surfaced in the ...