Following World War II in the 1940s, an onslaught of crime movies came out of Hollywood as moody stories were on the minds of filmmakers and audiences, popularizing the noir genre. Often in black ...
If you’re captivated by intricate plots, thrilling investigations, and unforgettable characters, dive into these seven ...
David Lynch, the director of "Blue Velvet" and "Mulholland Drive" who died this week, was a fearless filmmaker who changed ...
If you’re a fan of modern crime films, it might be worth taking a step back in time and exploring the classic masterpieces ...
"Eraserhead" filmmaker David Lynch brought a dark, thoughtful surrealism to Hollywood. Here are his best movies and TV work, ...
In essence, the deception and corruption here masquerade as the highest level of normalcy. However, this isn’t yet another ...
LOVE LIES BLEEDING is a modern-day, highly immoral, sleazy take on the film noir genre that centers on a graphic ...
Some movies are transformed through repetition into ritual to acquire new meanings which their creators may not have intended. We never see the same film twice because we bring a different state ...