Fincantieri CEO Pierroberto Folgiero has said that he envisages the Italian company building ships powered with small nuclear ...
Kilo Solutions, a UK-based VR maritime training provider, has won a contract with the Royal Navy (RN) to supply 24 units of ...
Il Polo Tecnologico della Subacquea impiega 400 persone. Il ceo Folgiero spinge un business che già oggi fattura 500 milioni ...
Fincantieri, a leading global shipbuilding company, views India as a key partner for co-developing and co-producing ...
Il gruppo guidato dall’ad Folgiero sta investendo sempre di più su questo settore. Il polo ha il suo fulcro alla Spezia ...
Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri has delivered Norwegian Aqua cruise ship to Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL). Norwegian Aqua is the first ship of the expanded Prima Plus Class that Fincantieri is ...
A Fincantieri Marinette Marine model of the ... Even programs like the Navy’s top priority, the Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine program, are running between one year and 16 months ...
EDGE and Fincantieri have signed a new memorandum ... infrastructure protection and seabed mapping, next-generation submarines, drone-carrier ships, and lightweight torpedoes.
A picture taken in February 2019 in Monfalcone shows Fincantieri's logo on a crane at the company's shipyard. (Miguel Medina/AFP via Getty Images) ...
Secondo quanto risulta a MF-Milano Finanza, Fincantieri ha mantenuto come amministratore delegato di Wass Submarine System (la divisione di Leonardo appena acquistata) Andrea Adorni e ha individuato ...
Questa innovazione ci renderebbe unici al mondo". Lo ha detto Pierroberto Folgiero, a.d. e d.g. di Fincantieri, intervenendo ieri sera alla tavola rotonda "Energia nucleare sostenibile ...
Fincantieri CEO Pierroberto Folgiero has said ... "Nuclear power with smaller reactors allows it to be used not only on submarines and aircraft carriers, but also on smaller ships such as cruisers ...