That's why we're sharing 35 Bible verses for depression —because we know they'll help you feel less alone. C.S. Lewis has ...
He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into ...
In an era when many faithful lament theological confusion and fear the watering down of Christianity, Pope Francis did little ...
Theologian and Pastor John Piper weighed in on a question from a listener struggling with guilt after having an abortion in ...
I offer 'The Lord is my light' as a balm for our Elul reflections on an impossible year - the tune is mine, the music ...
Light has always been a metaphor for spirituality, truth, insight and Godly revelation. To “see the light” is a well-worn cliché, but one that only reaffirms how correct it is.
It is a Sunday morning, and my heart is heavy. I am on my way to praise God, but something feels off. My mind drifts, not to ...
An excerpt from “The Road to Wisdom,” by Francis S. Collins, on discovering the hand of God in the science of his creation.
We often think it is pointless to engage religious fundamentalists. Well, Seth Andrews was a fundamentalist Christian talk ...
Noah relied on God’s protection as he and his family waited in the ark for nearly two months after the flood subsided.
The unprecedented response from readers sending in their experiences with God winks makes me humbly grateful, writes.
According to the ancient rabbis, meaningful, creative labor is how humans channel the divine. It’s an idea that can help us ...