Our list of the Best Hair Metal Album of Every Year From 1981 to 1991 proves that before it was relegated to the dustbin of ...
What are the five most surprising lineup changes in the history of hair metal? The 1980s were the heyday of hair metal; a ...
But as the 1980s dawned, a new sound began to dominate the airwaves: hair metal. With its infectious hooks, over-the-top glam, and electrifying energy, this new wave was impossible to ignore.
If you're a guitarist, our list of Top 20 Hair Metal Guitar Solos will give you quite a challenge. If you're just a fan, they ...
The hair, or glam, metal bands of the 1980s remain ... While, yes, some of these groups made massively successful pop-tinged metal albums during the '80s, they were either already successfully ...
Read on to see our list of 10 Underrated Hair Metal Bands That Deserved to Be Way Bigger. Next: 10 'Glam Metal' Albums Released After 'Nevermind' That Don't Suck ...
Here are the 9 best non-hair metal albums released by hair metal bands. The 1980s were synonymous with larger-than-life personas, infectious, anthemic choruses, long, flowing locks, skin-tight ...