A tiny bird in Australia has been spotted using fake hawk alarm calls to scare threats away from their nests to protect their ...
A divebombing hawk has caused mayhem in a Hertfordshire village as it targets unsuspecting tall men, swooping down to attack ...
Looking up, we were astonished to see Cooper’s hawks overhead, jumping from branch to branch and making all that noise, four ...
A Harris hawk has been accused of terrorising a Home Counties village after the animal was spotted divebombing tall, ...
Larry Bird's iconic 60-point performance even had the opposing Hawks players celebrating which led to their head coach fining ...
A woman has told how her husband is the latest person to have been attacked by a Harris’s hawk terrorising a Hertfordshire ...
The red-tailed hawk, native to North America but usually kept in captivity in the UK, has chosen freedom after escaping from its owner ...
I just hope a lot of photographers are keeping it ethical — not chasing them down and respecting the distance,' says man who travelled from Oshawa ...
Stephanie Stevens lets her hawk Alexie Echo-Hawk fly while hunting for small game ... working together with their birds to ...