Physiological metrics captured via wearable devices may help identify and predict flares in inflammatory bowel disease, ...
Dual biologic therapy may serve as a suitable treatment choice for patients with IBD who have not responded to current therapies.
Achieving cost sustainability in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) care requires expanding access to cost-effective treatments ...
Just under half (about 45%) had access to a nutritionist, and only a third had access to clinical trials or a pharmacist to help with IBD medications. Less than 30% reported having access to ...
For patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), risk factors associated with Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) include recent diagnosis, corticosteroid usage, and hospitalization.
In a US study, researchers found that 35% of adults with IBD screened positive for spondyloarthritis, despite having no known SpA diagnosis.
Mental health comorbidities are more prevalent among transgender and gender nonconforming adults with IBD than the general and IBD US populations.
There is a significant burden of undiagnosed SpA in IBD, with many patients reporting musculoskeletal symptoms.
The risk for both self-reported and symptomatic flare in inflammatory bowel disease is associated with psychosocial factors, ...