Try these home remedies to get rid of corns and calluses naturally without expensive medicines or a doctor's visit. The post ...
E. turcicum overwinters in infected corn residue on the soil surface. As temperatures begin to rise in the spring the fungus will produce spores on the surface of the residue. These spores are then ...
Another consideration farmers need to think through is how long they will need tar spot infected corn to stand in the field before harvesting it. “Many of you guys have indicated you’re going ...
The anthracnose fungus overwinters in infected plant debris. It is a poor soil competitor and its population drops dramatically as infested residues disintegrate. Therefore, anthracnose is more severe ...
Aspergillus molds make some 16 million tons of corn unsafe for consumption each year ... which can negatively affect the health of animals and people who eat infected crops.
Fungal toxins in corn may be the reason for neural tube defects outbreak in the Rio Grande Valley during the early 1990's. Fungal toxins in corn may be the reason for neural tube defects outbreak ...
Diseases cause worry ahead of corn planting season among t hose are Tar Spot, Southern Rust and Corn Stunt, as Tim Unruh ...
Corn and soybean diseases to watch out for in MN, including tar spot, were the topic of the March 5 “Strategic Farming: Let’s Talk Crops!” program hosted by University of ...
Haemorrhagic Septacemia, or commonly called corn stalk disease ... everyone is warned against it Tony Doherty had his herd badly infected with it. Our local library is not large, but it contains ...
With support from Ohio Corn and Wheat through the Corn Check Off, Ohio State University conducted its second year of corn ...