Hammerstein appeared in the comics "ABC Warriors," "Ro-Busters," and "Nemesis the Warlock," and in 1995, Mills wrote a Judge Dredd story called "Hammerstein" which put the robot into Dredd's world.
Judge Dredd marked a rare stab at sci-fi for Sylvester ... who gets his arms and legs ripped off by a robot. As written, this took place offscreen, but Cannon had a lifesized dummy of the actor ...
Boo Cook More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd! Dredd deals with an out of control robot in "Trashed" by T.C. Eglington & Karl Richardson; plus there's more thrills ...
Judge Dredd is best known for maintaining a ruthless brand of law and order on the streets of Mega-City One. However, Dredd occasionally ventures beneath those streets to Mega-City One’s ...