Shiori became the face of Japan's MeToo movement after she accused a prominent journalist Noriyuki Yamaguchi of rape. Her ...
Shiori Ito became one of the faces of Japan's #MeToo movement. Her documentary about that experience, 'Black Box Diaries,' is ...
Despite several high-profile cases, Japan has never seen an outpouring of #MeToo allegations, Ito -- who received vicious online criticism for going public -- has said. Government surveys in Japan ...
Shiori Ito tells the story of her rape and its aftermath in 'Black Box Diaries,' which will be released in France on March 12 ...
Shiori became the face of Japan's MeToo movement after she accused a prominent journalist, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, of rape. He denies the charges. Her acclaimed directorial debut, based on her memoir ...
Ito became the face of Japan’s #MeToo Movement after breaking her silence about her sexual assault, a cultural taboo in Japan, and the legal system’s failure to take victims of sexual violence ...
Shiori Ito’s searing indictment of Japan’s justice system in handling sexual assault cases is nominated for best documentary ...
"They're more scared about the public voice." Ito has also claimed Japan's reluctance to address #MeToo allegations prompted her to use the contested footage in the first place. Given that there ...