According to the Sebi mandate, short duration funds can invest in debt instruments which have maturity between one and three ...
Lump Sum: Highly dependent on market timing. A poorly timed investment during a market peak can lead to lower returns. SIP: ...
Like any investment, index funds have advantages, such as lower fees, as well as disadvantages. Read on to see if this ...
Here's what you need to know about mutual funds, including how they work, how to invest in them and more. Mutual funds How do mutual funds work? Types of mutual funds How do I invest in mutual funds?
Mutual fund advisors say banking & PSU debt schemes are ‘relatively safe because these schemes invest only in bonds and ...
Debt mutual funds are also known as bond funds or fixed-income funds. They are an excellent choice for people looking for a ...
China is guiding local mutual funds and insurers to boost investments into stocks in the government’s latest initiative to ...
When it comes to fixed-income investing, one of the most important considerations for investors is managing interest rate ...
SIPs make money for those who invest in them,' Edelweiss Mutual Funds CEO and MD Radhika Gupta said. 'Yes, it isn't perfect.
The Chinese government says it will order pensions and mutual funds to invest more in domestic shares, ensuring gains ...
The numbers were disclosed by the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), which said total inflow into equity and equity ...
A major issue faced by investors while opting for a mutual fund is to decide whether to go for SIPs or lump sum investment.