The Ptolemaic Dynasty, established by the Macedonian Greek general Ptolemy I Soter, ruled Egypt for almost three centuries.
The ancient Egyptians sure loved gold, and it seems they saw human suffering as a small price to pay for the precious metal.
founding what is known as the ruling Ptolemaic dynasty in 305 BC. It ended with the death or suicide of its most famous kings, Queen Cleopatra, and the transformation of Egypt into a part of the Roman ...
Prior to the region’s decline in the 7th century A.D, caused by the Arab conquest, Ptolemais was founded by the Ptolemaic dynasty in the 3rd century B.C. The region is well-known for its ...
A recent archaeological discovery in Egypt’s Eastern Desert has revealed the harsh reality faced by miners during the ...
After he died, the descendants of his general, Ptolemy ruled for nearly 300 years! The Ptolemaic dynasty ended with the death of Cleopatra, during the Roman conquest in 30BC which was 600 years ago.
To learn more about this and other new mummy portraits from Philadelphia, go here Ancient Philadelphia was founded in the early Ptolemaic period in the Fayoum (located about a two-hour drive southwest ...