Facebook drama “The Social Network,” 1974’s indie horror classic “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and Patrick Swayze and ...
The Social Network star Armie Hammer has officially signed on for the leading role in director Uwe Boll‘s upcoming vigilante ...
Between the first UK student protests in November 2010 and the global uprising in the spring of 2011 a new radicalism fuelled by modern technology has hit the streets Over 6 months of government ...
This year's class of movies range over a century and across genres, from the 1885 silent documentary "Annabelle Serpentine Dance" to the 2010 Facebook origin story "The Social Network." ...
In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later ...
A slate of 25 films have been chosen for their “cultural, historic, or aesthetic” significance as part of the National Film Registry’s (NFR) annual selection to preserve America’s ...
The registry now only has a total of 900 movies compared to the 2 million other films in the Library’s collection. Variety said the other films are preserved with their copyright holders or for ...
“The Social Network” marked the first film from screenwriter Aaron Sorkin or director David Fincher to earn the honor from the registry, which was founded in 1988. Both movies were among ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Anhar Karim covers movies, TV, and the rise of the creator economy. “David comes really from the Hitchcock school in that he really does ...
Dispatches goes undercover in the secretive world of the people who decide what can and cant be posted on Facebook exploring how their decisions are made and the ...
Anhar Karim covers movies, TV, and the rise of the creator ... We also chatted about future projects and the potential for a wider social network cinematic universe. Below is a summary of our ...
David Fincher’s 2010 Facebook drama “The Social Network,” 1974’s indie horror classic “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey’s Catskills-set love affair ...