The job offer details the role and includes an annexe summarising important parts of UAE labour law. Both you and your employer will need to sign these documents to move forward. Once you and your ...
Article 52 of the new UAE Labour Law - Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 – states that for workers who are employed under patterns or models of work apart from full-time work will have their ...
Being fired for a labour complaint may count as arbitrary dismissal under UAE Labour Law Being terminated for filing a labour complaint may be considered arbitrary dismissal under UAE law.
The United Arab Emirates has expanded its work permit system to cater to a wide range of employment needs, including ...
My company requires employees to give a three-month notice. Is this legal? What does the UAE Labour Law say about this? What happens if I tell my boss that I can serve only one month? Answer ...
Dubai recently introduced updates to its two-year employment visa system, making the process faster and more efficient ...
Introduction: The UAE has introduced a new competition law and abrogated the old competition law, federal law No. 4 of 2012. The new federal ...
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will implement its most significant personal status law reform in decades this April ... while new provisions consider employment status when determining alimony ...
Whether it’s annual leave or a public holiday, there’s nothing better. According to the UAE labour laws, people living and working in Dubai and the rest of the country are entitled to a considerable ...
Best UAE Law Firm In Child Abduction Cases. In divorce cases involving children, the court generally issues orders regarding the living arrangements of the children. However, ther ...
If there’s anything that we can all agree on it’s that we could all do with more time off work. And a tweak to the UAE public holidays law made at the start of the year means that the dream of more ...
In February 2024, we shared an update on the UAE’s competition landscape in which we summarised the changes brought by Federal Decree-Law No. 36 ...