Unit 731, infamous for brutal experiments ... The overall operations of these facilities were supervised by the Epidemiological Research Laboratory, whose main headquarters was in Tokyo.
The museum was expected to show eight panels on Unit 731, including some featuring testimonies by Shimizu and other former members, when it opened in May last year as a municipal facility where ...
Unit 731, operating in occupied Manchuria ... The overall operations of these facilities were supervised by the Epidemiological Research Laboratory, whose main headquarters was in Tokyo.
Because of the lie to the Pingfang locals that the facility was a lumber mill, researchers joked that prisoners were maruta, the Japanese word for “log.” As technician Yoshio Shinozuka remembers, Unit ...
The building was the headquarters in China of the Imperial Japanese Army’s Unit 731. And Shimizu finally told his wife that he had been a member of the infamous biological warfare unit that used ...
When completed in 1940, what became known as Unit 731 housed some 3,000 personnel. At a ceremony honoring the event, the now General Ishii made the facility's purpose crystal clear. A doctor's ...