Martial sage Carl von Clausewitz might be bewildered by high-tech aircraft, computers, and missiles. But he would instantly ...
The health service may not have been ready for the pandemic, but the rest of government was even less prepared. As we brace ...
Perhaps the talented animators and video editors of Lianhe Zaobao had that in mind when creating their latest political video: "GE2025: How Singapore's political battlegrounds are changing." Using ...
The main threat to maritime Asia today is not miscalculation. It’s Beijing’s carefully calculated policies.
London: Chronos Books, 2024. Pp. vi, 228. Notes, index. £13.99/$15.95 pape. ISBN: 1803416211 Till 1826, claims Gat, Clausewitz believed that Napoleon’s all out war represented the true nature of war.
As von Clausewitz famously put it, war is politics pursued by other means. Behind this dictum, however, lies a messy mix of questions regarding military force and its use to achieve foreign policy ...
As the 19th century Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz wrote, “the aggressor is always peace-loving. ... He would prefer to take over our country unopposed.” The right response to ...
Once upon a 19th century, famed Prussian general and military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that “war is the continuation of politics by other means”. Two hundred years later ...
4-7. Carl von Clausewitz, On War, edited and translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976), p. 619. Milan Vego, Joint Operational Warfare: Theory and ...