Television news has a good week — but a precarious future  On the national stage, television news has had a strong week. More ...
Want to know an inconvenient truth about the journalism industry in America? Ideas to address the challenges facing ...
News organizations spend so much time planning for and covering elections that the work to be done afterward can almost come as a rude awakening: What — we have to keep going? Some newsrooms face the ...
Groups aligned with Democrats and Republicans are planning to pour a couple hundred million dollars into state legislative battles that will culminate with the November general election. Nearly 5,800 ...
In her latest Substack newsletter, Margaret Sullivan writes the excellent work of student journalists around the country makes her hopeful about journalism. She highlights the impressive investigative ...
Six news organizations will experiment with local influencers or trusted messengers to share their nonpartisan local journalism on elections in 2024 as part of a new American Press Institute program ...
As communities grow, audiences change and coverage needs evolve, can journalists make empirical choices about what to cover and how to cover it? That was a question 10 years ago when I came to the ...
Kevin Loker, senior director for program operations and partnerships at the American Press Institute, recently completed a visiting fellowship with the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University.
The American Press Institute team is dedicated to sharing our deep expertise with media and journalism leaders. We strive to be welcoming, collaborative, intentionally innovative and deeply ...
In a world increasingly defined by the pace of change, citizens, policymakers and business leaders alike need ever more timely and reliable information upon which to base their decisions. But news ...
Misinformation in this election year continues to remain an issue. Last week, the State Department said that Russia’s state media outlet RT is running intelligence operations, reports The Washington ...