Arguing that the Book of Leviticus (Vayikra), dealing mainly with the laws of sacrifices in the Tabernacle, is likely the ...
By Sunday evening, an understanding was reached: the ultra-Orthodox factions would not issue an ultimatum over the draft law ...
Looking for a meaningful way to engage your child’s free time? Want them to learn a valuable new skill? Give them the gift of ...
While hiddur mitzvah is interpreted as beautifying a commanded act with a sense of abundance, as usual, the Torah asks us to ...
Rick Lupert, a poet, songleader and graphic designer, is the author of 28 books including “God Wrestler: A Poem for Every ...
This week’s Torah portion is a story of forgiveness and the opportunity to make things right. The opening sentence tells it ...
The Israelite community comes together to accomplish a momentous task, constructing the sacred center for its collective life ...
It takes creativity to embrace an invisible God. It takes strength to worship a God who exists, who lives, but who does not ...
Joy Ladin, a poet, creative non-fiction writer and nationally recognized thought leader on gender and Jewish identity, will ...
We must remember that what hurts you will also eventually hurt me and that we, the collective we, will not survive. Community is where we find God. Our relationship with God is We-Thou, not I-Thou.
One of Israel's most divisive domestic issues has reared itself again to challenge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after a ...