The commandment of sanctifying the month is not merely a technical instruction for those who establish the calendar on how ...
The Jewish tradition loves serious play with words. This week’s Torah portion begins with God’s telling Moses, “Go to Pharaoh” (Exodus 10:1) to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. The problem is, ...
When Moses resists the Divine call, he expresses a heartfelt and deep humility that serves as a model for all of us.
Parshat Va’era: Exodus 6:2-9:35; Ezekiel 28:25-29:21.
Strange that the last three of the ten plagues are in a separate Torah portion. Even more striking i ...
Parsha Bo’s greatest lesson is to never accede, to never give in, to never give up. A wonderful lesson on Mental Health Awareness Shabbat in the UK, a day dedicated to promoting good mental health ...