Programme and project managers, knowledge management officers, monitoring and evaluation officers, technical specialists, project professionals, professionals from private enterprises, academicians ...
The course is intended for professionals involved in designing, procuring and implementing infrastructure works. The course specifically targets: - Government officials involved in public investment ...
Our programmes offer unparalleled access to esteemed faculty, cutting-edge resources, and a vibrant international community. Prepare to excel in your field and make a lasting impact on the world stage ...
A discussion about the value of interdisciplinarity with Jean Claude El Khazen, a participant and labour inspector from Lebanon attending the Decent Work for Domestic Workers course ...
The module is designed for government officials, and staff in employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations that deal with foreign direct investment (FDI), operations of multinational ...
Judges and magistrates. Lawyers. Legal experts from employers’ and workers’ organizations. University law teachers and students. Legal educators responsible for training judges and lawyers. What will ...
National and international public procurement practitioners; procurement staff of national agencies; project directors and procurement staff of projects funded by International Financial Institutions ...
The target audience comprises professionals in the not-for-profit sector at national, regional, or international levels, tasked with supporting the financial self-sustainability and growth objectives ...
Sound labour relations bring benefits in terms of productivity, reduced conflicts and disputes, improved job satisfaction, and improved decision-making on matters of mutual concern to management and ...
This course is designed for development practitioners involved in capacity building activities, whether they target internal teams, implementing partners or other key stakeholders, and regardless of ...
Trade and investment are key drivers in achieving sustainable development in Africa. How can trade unions leverage their role in sustainable development to ensure the inclusion of decent work, ...