The Bombay High Court while granting bail to a 'young adult' booked for assaulting a man along with his 'gang members', noted that he was merely 18 years old at the time of the incident and that ...
WILLIAMSPORT — A Lycoming County judge has dismissed a third-degree murder count against a Reading teenager charged in connection with a fatal traffic accident in 2024.
Peter P. Cayouette was found guilty Friday of sexual contact, sexual assault, of girl when she was 11 and 12 years old.
A twice-convicted felon who police say lured another man to his apartment on false pretenses and forced him at knifepoint to ...
Anthony Wayne Mixon Jr., 40, went before Judge Kelly Cottrill for sentencing on two cases, where he was sentenced to 11 to 16 ...
Litigation over a 2018 brawl at Kennedy Hall by alleged members of the Banditos group from the East L.A sheriff's station ...
A lawyer for a girl accused of pushing her brother to the floor during an argument said it is up to ICE whether to release ...
Prosecutors say a man held his girlfriend against her will in his St. Paul apartment, during which he shaved her head and poured boiling water on her. Jabari Quentin Junior, 22, was charged Friday ...
Hamilton County was sixth in the state in the number of illegal immigrants committing crimes with 114. Others were Davidson 796, Knox 242, Sumner 212, Rutherford 189 and Maury 153. Of the 2,719 ...
A St. Petersburg man has been arrested after police say he discussed plans online to kidnap, sexually assault, and murder a child.
Torres is “set to begin negotiations” to settle felony charges that spurred his resignation as the District 3 representative.