A study of the Salmon River, which flows north out of the park in Franklin County, for example, suggested removing dams, expanding ... according to a DEC map of priority watersheds. The timing of ...
IOSCO COUNTY, Mich. (WJRT) - The AuSable River Queen has sunk in Foot Dam Pond. Viewer photos show part of the paddleboat is ...
The AuSable River Queen sank on March 11, and the cause is still unknown. The owners are now struggling with its restoration ...
On Tuesday night, the AuSable River Queen started sinking at its docking spot on Foote Dam Pond, a few miles west of Oscoda. ...
The AuSable River has a rocky, sandy bottom and a current averaging 3 to 4 mph and is 2 to 4 foot deep in most spots. There are multiple dams along the river from Grayling to Oscoda, including Mio ...
An AuSable River paddleboat that’s offered scenic tours for decades has been rescued from the water eight days after it ...
The beloved AuSable River Queen, a historic paddlewheel riverboat in northeast Michigan, sank in the AuSable River Tuesday night, photos show. Laurie Rice Bell, one of the boat’s owners ...
IOSCO COUNTY, Mich,. (WPBN/WGTU) - - The AuSable River Queen in Iosco County has been partially pulled onshore at Foote Site Park in Oscoda Township. The back end of the paddlewheel now rests on ...
OSCODA TWP, MI -- An AuSable River paddleboat that’s offered scenic tours for decades has been rescued from the water eight days after it started sinking. Oscoda Township Superintendent Thomas ...