The film, which debuted at SXSW 2024, stars Ferreira as a struggling caretaker who tries to cope with her absent father.
Matthew Miele gets a legendary artist and Hollywood survivor to bare his soul in "Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion." ...
Tyler Pirrung portrays Bob Mackie in "The Cher Show," which arrives for an engagement with The Grand at Playhouse on Rodney ...
Zendaya is the queen of wearing vintage and tailoring her looks to honor other celebs or her own projects. View Entire Post › ...
Cher and Bob Mackie in 1974 and 2024.
Bob Mackie says Cher always had a strong sense of style — even before she started thinking about it. Speaking with PEOPLE about the new documentary, Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion, which looks back ...
Bob Mackie says Cher always had a strong sense of style — even before she started thinking about it. Speaking with PEOPLE about the new documentary, Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion, which looks back at his ...
Collectibles that have generated a lot of interest happen to be linked to childhood memorabilia. Now, many people are finding out toys and items from their youth can be worth a lot of ...
A charity shop’s annual January extravaganza sale has raised nearly £32,000. Generous donors gifted antiques to Shelter ...
Bob Mackie is regularly left horrified by the "horrendous" outfits he sees on red carpets these days. The legendary costume designer - known for creating famous looks for stars such as Cher - has ...