In other news, bills to criminalize fentanyl trafficking, create tiered water billing, and prevent public unions from ...
A final vote on a controversial bill to eliminate collective bargaining activity by public sector labor unions is expected ...
Top lawmakers in Utah appeared relieved after the White House rescinded a memo to freeze federal aid and grants Wednesday ...
According to Teuscher, the bill would safeguard public resources by prohibiting employees from receiving paid leave for union ...
CAPITOL HILL—A bill clarifying the Utah Department of Transportation's authority to purchase and hold land in reserve for ...
I visited Salt Lake City, Park City, and Draper in Utah's Silicon Slopes and was surprised by the tech scene and affordable ...
Prior to the dedication of the house of the Lord, a media day will be held Wednesday, May 7, followed by tours for invited ...
Utah House Republican leadership unveiled their solution to perceived weaknesses in the state's vote-by-mail election system: ...
The Salt Lake Tribune sat down with the man who coined the term "missing middle housing" to talk about the concept and why it ...