The Event Horizon Telescope captured the first image of the Milky Way galaxy's supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* — our ...
Your first thought may be of a rainforest, but here’s a cool science fact for you: We can thank plant-based marine organisms ...
Astronomers have long believed that the swirling disks of gas and dust that form planets around young stars last only about ...
Millions of years ago, our Solar System traveled through a densely populated galactic region and was exposed to increased ...
A star has been spotted shooting away from the heart of our galaxy at around 500 kilometres per second, giving astronomers ...
Astronomers have discovered strong evidence for the closest supermassive black hole outside of the Milky Way galaxy. This ...
In 2011, a project that surveyed the Milky Way galaxy for exoplanets — which are planets beyond our solar system — spotted an intriguing signal: They found two objects traveling together through the ...
Interstellar material has been discovered in our solar system, but researchers continue to hunt for where it came from and ...
The X-ray signal from WD 2226-210 is similar to the X-ray emissions of two other white dwarfs that do not sit within cocoons ...
How long should you steep your tea? It depends. If you drink tea because it tastes good, the suggested steeping time is one to three minutes. If you drink tea to be healthy, two and a half ...
Bananas contain potassium-40, a radioactive isotope. The levels are harmless and naturally excreted by the body. The ...
Using a NASA supercomputer to run models, researchers led by SwRI astronomer David Nesvorny now believe that the Inner Oort cloud looks like a spiral disk, around 0.24 light-years across, with two ...