If you’re gonna get body jewelry advice, you should probably go straight to the source and hear it from someone who pierces ...
Massachusetts has strict rules concerning body art. The first rule is, "No person under age 18 can get a tattoo, even with ...
As body piercings become more common in the general population, interactions with people who possess these modifications will also increase. Knowledge needed for comprehensive and effective ...
It has two types, HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both can cause an outbreak of genital sores, but HSV-2 is considered genital herpes. Women have a higher rate of contracting genital herpes than men for a few ...
He added that he only pierced nipples of girls aged over 16 and only did genital piercings for over 18s. All clients were asked to produce ID to prove their age and those having genital piercings ...
My septum ring, on the other hand, pretty much healed up within a week. I have no explanation for this discrepancy—some piercings just heal better than others. Either way, while you’ll probably have a ...
The jewelry is placed inside the blunt end of the needle, and put into place while pulling the needle through the piercing. The jewelry is then secured. A residual of blood, tissue, or ...
Studies have shown that an estimated 10-23 percent of adolescents have tattoos and 27-42 percent had body piercings. Among high school students who don’t already have a tattoo, more than 50 percent ...
Genital warts look like bumps that occur alone or in clusters. The warts, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), are typically the same color as your skin but color and size can vary. HPV is the ...