Scripture underscores the significance of community in our spiritual walk. Proverbs 29:18 declares, "Where there is no vision ...
Pope Francis proclaimed a counterfeit gospel in Singapore. It is "another gospel." (Galatians 1:8) And Jesus rejects it!
This is not a new physical heart but a new spiritual heart, one that desires to do God’s will, and that is full of love and ...
God loves everyone. God loves everyone unconditionally. God is love, so it would go against his nature, his being, to be any ...
I read recently that Millennials and Gen Z are the most stressed generations ever, with the highest suicide rates. For these ...
And he gave us sex. And he gave us desire. And he promises heaven. And if in doubt, he gave us a way to find faith.
Throughout the Bible, God condemns worshiping or trusting in any other god. In fact, he clearly says that all other gods are ...
In today’s Gospel, the Lord Jesus asks a crucial and probing question: “What is most central in your life?” ...
That is fine, but maybe we should think about the good our resources are doing to those in need, the mercy part, and not be ...
“I’m not fit to tie His shoes. When He was baptized, heaven opened. God called Him His beloved Son. The Holy Spirit landed on ...
In an era when many faithful lament theological confusion and fear the watering down of Christianity, Pope Francis did little ...
As complex as life seems to be at times, wouldn’t it be great if at least a few things were simple? Even though the Bible is a thick book, and ...