The research found beer consumers have lower-quality diets, are less active and are more likely to smoke cigarettes compared ...
Not only can drinking alcohol mess with your meds, but ‘heavy alcohol use can also lead to other health problems, such as ...
US scientists have revealed there’s one type of alcohol which is most likely to make you obese and immobile due to its ...
They explained: “14 units is equivalent to 6 pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of lower-strength wine.” If ...
Consuming alcohol to cope with stress has become more culturally acceptable since 2020, necessitating doctors more ...
According to a report by Nine Coach, many popular drinks in Australia actually have more sugar than an average chocolate bar.
Here’s the deal. Big Alcohol’s role in the cannabis beverages market will bring both opportunities and challenges.
The Treasury has proposed a minimum price for alcoholic beverages and changes to excise tax frameworks. The new rules suggest ...
The reality is that a lot of those... do still have very small amounts of alcohol in them,” Patrick Yarboro of Recovery Centers of America.
The Treasury has given a 30-day notice period for public comments on its alcohol tax proposals, which the liquor industry says is unfair and premature.
Depending on your dad’s preference, there are a range of different colours to choose from, but black and navy are bound to be ...
If you thought a Qantas crew member might wander down the aisle and check we were all hydrated/still alive during that time ...