The Daily Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Mrs. Bowman’s 1st Grade Class at Merriam Cherry Street Elementary School.
Looking for the best social studies homeschool curriculum? Over the years, we’ve explored a variety of resources that have guided us through history, civics, geography, and economics, from early ...
Harrison D-2 students on a limited time basis to help fill teaching vacancies while also experiencing the United States.
Philadelphia's K-8 public school students are being taught a new literacy curriculum starting in the 2024-2025 school year.
Schools would not be required to use the state materials, but districts that do so would receive up to $60 per student to purchase and print them.
It's that time again for the 1 plus 1 giveaway. NewsCenter1 teams up with First Interstate Bank twice a month to give five hundred dollars to a deserving teacher. The ...