The Sunday lectionary gospel reading for Trinity 18 in this Year B is Mark 9.38–50. It is a rather unusual reading; it ...
The “Come, Follow Me” study guide for Sept. 23-29 covers 3 Nephi 8-11, which includes the resurrected Christ appearing to the Nephites. Read what Church leaders have said about these chapters.
John 4:14 says, “…but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; the water that I will give him ...
Effective witnesses also live with passion. Verse three says, “Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and ...
In light of the fact that life is short and death is inevitable, Solomon urges us to seize life and enjoy God’s gifts to the ...
Jesus instituted the Eucharist to heal and unite humanity. Jesus faced rejection when He insisted that His body is real food ...
I would like to ask for forgiveness from you for those times I locked you up in the bathroom whenever you misbehaved when you ...