Going forward, Nintendo needs to make big changes to the formula seen in Zelda games. Fortunately, there is already plenty of ...
Here are some ways that you can make money fast in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past ... netting you 400 Rupees. Defeated enemies will leave behind hearts, Rupees, and other refills.
Each dungeon presents its own set of puzzles to solve and enemies to overcome ... the Lakebed Temple in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess follows its predecessor's example by being extremely ...
The Legend of Heroes: Trails series started in 2004 and, with its most recent English release, is 12 titles long. For that reason (and as fans of the series), we are bringing you the definitive ...
A quick glance to the sky reveals a sinister looking moon that appears to be on a collision course with the planet. Link has three days to stop the moon's fall and figure out who - or what - is ...
Finding games like Zelda can be tricky, as the series is so unique and groundbreaking, all the more so when recent entries, The Legend of ... wolf sequence from Twilight Princess, give the wolf ...
Nintendo promised two downloadable content packs for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild post ... leaving you to improvise as some formation of enemies moves in to attack.
Last month, director and actor Chris Carpenter launched a Kickstarter campaign to bring his vision for a Legend of Zelda ... who was cast as Princess Zelda. The movie was called Lost in Hyrule ...
both Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker are solid options due to the sheer desire from the Zelda fanbase. Other than that, there have also been rumors that Twilight Princess may have been coming to ...
It all takes me back to my childhood experiences with The Princess ... also a Zelda game where you cook food and brew potions to heal, instead of collecting hearts dropped by downed enemies.