Here’s what the Merriam-Webster dictionary said: “Sarcasm can be traced back to the Greek verb sarkazein, which initially ...
Here are five traditional hymns commonly sung at church services during the season of Lent, including their historical ...
Lent is our time to allow divine love to touch us so deeply that we begin to see like Jesus did, and thus act in his name.
With the beginning of Lent, many restaurants have specials for Catholics who will be looking for seafood options on Fridays.
The cross, placed on a worshiper's forehead by a priest, indicates that a person belongs to Jesus Christ and is grieving and ...
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent for people of Christian faith. Each year, Catholics, Lutherans and other ...
The season of Lent for Western Catholics began on Ash Wednesday, March 5; for Eastern Rite Catholics, Lent began on Clean ...
Lent might seem like an odd time to go to the bar, particularly for those who think of them as solely the domain of drunks.
It's the first Friday of Lent, which means fish fries were packed across West Michigan! People lined up by the dozens at the ...
During Lent, Martita's Lunch Box, at 3623 Buckner St., offers an array of popular Lent staples including lentil soup ($8.50 ...
SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA (KTTC) – With the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday on Mar. 5, many Catholics and Christians have given ...