Apple launched Apple News Plus in 2019. Since then the tech company has made some changes to its news aggregator service, like the addition of the Quartiles puzzles. With iOS 18.2, Apple is bringing ...
"[Any] broad prohibition on commercial agreements between Apple and Google threatens to stifle the development of AI, which ...
Apple is requesting to join Google's antitrust trial to protect their $20 billion annual search engine partnership. Apple asserts no plans to develop its own search engine and argues that removing ...
Apple and Google have long been rivals in various product spaces. Mobile is one of them, where Apple’s iOS platform essentially goes head to head against Google’s Android. Despite their ...
It’s confusing Final thoughts This year feels like a turning point for smartphones with all the new AI features being rolled out by Apple, Google, and basically every other tech company.
This year feels like a turning point for smartphones with all the new AI features being rolled out by Apple, Google, and basically every other tech company. I’ve been particularly intrigued by ...
Google Maps is undoubtedly the leading mobile navigation app worldwide, but you'd think Apple is more ambitious, especially considering it has its own competitor already bundled with the iPhone.
On Friday, House China Select Committee chair John Moolenaar (R-MI) and ranking member Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) sent letters to the CEOs of Apple, Google and TikTok reminding them that keeping ...
Table of Contents I flew too close to the cloud photo sun Apple Photos is moving in the wrong direction Google Photos is the better fit for me A little over a year ago, I wrote about a very silly ...
You’ve gotta love these court cases against major tech companies if only for the discovery and testimony that come out because of them. Turns out Eddy Cue still works at Apple. A few years of ...
The top lawmakers on the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) told Apple and Google on Friday to prepare to remove TikTok from their app stores, as a potential ban looms ...
Google and Samsung are stepping into the wearable headset race. The companies are joining forces to release a mixed-reality headset that will compete with Apple’s Vision Pro and Meta’s Quest 3.