The Himachal Pradesh Police has registered an FIR against the two men, officials said on Tuesday. PTI reached out to Badoli but received no response. According to the complainant, the two men made ...
Our MD program provides students with the tools and training to be successful physicians and improve health in underserved populations by taking a comprehensive, community- and team-based approach to ...
The retail chain announced "a comprehensive brand refresh" in a news release on Monday, Jan. 13. It's the first logo change for the 63-year-old company since it removed the star between "Wal" and ...
Yates is the first – and only to this point – graduate from a manufacturer’s representative in the history the American Supply Association’s (ASA’s) Masters of Distribution Management (MDM) ...
Upper Shimla in Himachal Pradesh witnessed a rare and age-old tradition called the “Bhunda Mahayagya", a grand ceremony held once in 40 years and is believed to bring together deities from the Spail ...
Himachal Pradesh's Shimla is witnessing a rare and age-old religious tradition that is believed to bring together the deities of the Spail Valley, showcasing the region's vibrant cultural heritage ...
The IMD issued a yellow alert for Himachal's Kinnaur, Lahaul-Spiti, Shimla, Kangra, Mandi and Chamba between January 4 and 6. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted heavy snowfall ...
Listen to Story IMD predicts snowfall and rain in Himachal Pradesh Heavy snowfall may disrupt roads in Lahaul-Spiti, Kinnaur, Chamba Moderate to heavy rain expected in Dharamshala, Solan, Palampur ...
The mid and high hill regions of Himachal Pradesh are likely to experience fresh snowfall and rainfall starting January 2, according to officials cited by news agency PTI on Wednesday, while the ...
Himachal weather update: Himachal Pradesh is gearing up for fresh bouts of snowfall and rainfall in its mid and high-hill regions starting Thursday, while the plains and lower-hill areas are ...