This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 is still wrapped in mystery. Its recent reveal teased a few details—a larger overall design, redesigned ...
A piece of Nintendo history goes up for sale in the form of a GameCube prototype that was first shown at Space World 2000.
While the video game industry is huge and has been around for decades, studying its history is tricky due to a lack of tools and resources, as well as legal headaches. But the Video Game History ...
Now, ConsoleVariations’ Donny Fillerup has listed the Space World 2000 Gamecube console on eBay for a staggering $100,000.
The ultra-rare Space World Nintendo GameCube was one of the first prototypes of the console revealed back in 2000.
RetroAchievements brings modern game achievements to older titles that pre-date the concept introduced in 2005 with Microsoft ...
Sanity’s Requiem is heralded as one of the best videogames ever made, and it deserves a remake on the Nintendo Switch 2.
Capcom's legendary Dino Crisis series has been revived for PC via GOG with visual improvements, compatibility with Windows 10 ...
Most of Pastime Legends’ inventory comes from trade-ins, Petrequin said, offering customers in-store credit or cash depending ...
Here, in our humble opinion, are the 15 best fighting games of all time. 15 is a tight list, but we wanted some constraints ...
Leading the pack is Halo: Combat Evolved for Xbox One, with standard editions currently selling for £650, a significant jump ...