Meanwhile, the Native American Rights Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union recently issued guidance to tribal leaders and communities recommending among other things that people know their ...
Indigenous sisters Jamilah and Justice Maldonado spoke out last year about how hurtful they found the portrayals of Native Americans within the Golden-based Westernaires, hoping the longtime horse ...
For the 14 th year in a row, the Crisp family (Gary, Julie and Carter Crisp of Crisp Imaging) entertained hundreds of Marines from Camp Pendleton for a Super Bowl extravaganza at American Legion ...
Among one of the oft-repeated stats from the report, cited at Thursday's conference, is that though American Indian and Alaska Native people account for around 1.6% of Utah's population ...
Most of President Donald Trump’s signature policies are unpopular with Americans, according to recent polls, including a Washington Post-Ipsos survey that found 57% believe Trump has exceeded ...
My husband thought so. But that’s what I would often do—in addition to a comforter and a blanket, doubled over for good measure. The weight of all that bedding calmed my nerves, kept me from ...