This lovely set of wires lets [Florian] connect stock Super Nintendo controllers to his Raspberry Pi. The IDC connector ... were pulled from a pair of SNES extension cables.
He’s working on a Raspberry Pi project that will monitor and record ... a couple of months ago to build the world’s smallest NES controller.
It's an entire arcade you can fit inside your pocket. This project from Howchoo tucked a Raspberry Pi Zero inside an old NES controller for what is possibly the coolest retro gaming setup we've ...
According to ConsciousFish6170, the controller was big enough to house a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W ... emulation for more simple consoles from the NES to the original Sony PlayStation.
Tominator2000 has created Raspberry Pi Pico-powered controllers that can be used to emulate the Spacewar! combat game originally designed back in 1962.