Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was presented with Dvar Malchus, a collection of the Rebbe’s insights on the Rambam’s Laws of Kings.
The universe is impressive on two levels: the macro and the micro. Its sheer size, even of the relatively small amount we know, is massive. Within just our planet, the number and diversity of creation ...
The Kerem Shlomo says further that if the children receive a Torah true chinuch they can recognize that their parents seek Hashem, and they are therefore galvanized to give over that same chinuch to t ...
Today, the 29th of Tevet, marks the third yahrzeit of my mother, Rose Newman, Shoshana Tziporra Bat Nechemia HaLevi, Z”L. May ...
B’Ohr Chabad - Beis Menachem in Manchester, England, which was established 3 years ago, welcomed its first Sefer Torah in a ...
When our Gemara suggests that transcribers may not record arguments sufficiently well to recreate them later, it speaks to ...