Government demands to access encrypted data via back doors will leave it vulnerable to hacks, breaches and theft ...
Hancock County Health Department inspects restaurants four times annually, and violations are determined as “C” for critical, “NC” for noncritical and “R” for repeated violations. The following ...
The Dallas nonpofit serves as a broker to help formerly incarcerated individuals connect with resources they need to get back ...
A local 7-Eleven and nine other restaurants were cited for safety violations ranging from mold to dirty knives.
Since those early steps, extravehicular activity has helped provide the solutions to many problems that astronauts face in ...
Panetta heard from about 20 people currently working for the federal government in entities in the 19th Congressional ...
The first episode of "The Residence" sets up the main plot for the limited series, beginning with the death of A.B. Wynter (Giancarlo Esposito), the chief usher at the White House, during a state ...
I only bought the car a year ago, and in that time it has been away being repaired for more than three months. I don't think ...
Fighting for a more equitable America has always been part of faith-based organizations' role, including nonviolent direct ...
Mike Brown, a former weapons systems officer in the U.S. Navy, has built a million-dollar, one-man business coaching ...