Currently, access to the site’s contents is via invite only. With the Steve Jobs biography, Small Demons has begun indexing the items, locations, and people mentioned throughout the book. The ...
Forbes and JESS3 began collaborating in the spring of 2011 on a graphic novel about the life of Steve ... Jobs, with a focus on his decade spent in "exile" from Apple, the company he founded. The ...
Walter Isaacson, author of "The Innovators" and the Steve Jobs biography, shares his thoughts on why Jobs was so successful, and a few personal moments he shared with Jobs while writing the book.
Also known as The Diary of Anne Frank written in 1947 is about Anne and her life when she was a teenager hiding from Nazis ...
Steve skipped sixth grade altogether ... according to Schlender and Tetzeli's book. He would back down if the people he respected asked him to. Jobs was a great visionary, but he also had a ...
Steve Jobs was ... of which he was also CEO. Jobs is known as an icon of creativity and entrepreneurship. The prolific author Walter Isaacson released Jobs’ biography in October of 2011.